Trump Indicted!

I'm thinking that rather than overburden an already overcrowded prison with Trump as a "VIP" inmate, they would opt to just send him to a place where it was easier to guard him and keep him out of harm's way.
Guantanamo? Only the most special prisoners go there.
Guantanamo? Only the most special prisoners go there.
Nah, that's too high profile and would feed into Trump's political-prisoner/martyr narrative too easily.

I'd go with something more obscure like Florence ADX in Colorado, or USP Allenwood in PA.

Even Leavenworth would be a better option.
From a column in the NYT:

"In The Washington Post, Dana Milbank mulled Donald Trump’s likening of himself to Nelson Mandela: “Trump should stick with the Mandela comparison. After all, the similarities are uncanny! Mandela led the African National Congress. Trump led white nationalists to attack Congress. Mandela did 18 years of hard labor on Robben Island. Trump made the hard decisions for 14 seasons on ‘The Apprentice.’ Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk for abolishing apartheid. Trump won both the Club Championship trophy and Senior Club Championship trophy at Trump International Golf Club.” (Florence Mui, Vancouver, British Columbia)"
In a very real sense, we argue from separate realities. Worlds within worlds. All having different true truths. Many... most ... of you live in the world of the conquerors, the elites, even if you are only pretending to belong because you can, having the approved certificates of education or identity status. So, you adhere to the party line, which is sometimes painful to behold because in reality some of you are just the help.

And then there are we, the hardscrabble, the rural, the redneck, the working man, those who have no fancy illusions of being better than some whole vast sea of Lessers because we know we are ordinary. And we are content to be so. We are satisfied. But we live in a dry land. Fear the ill wind o ye masters. Fear the spark.
Pattern recognition is your friend. For example:

Clarence Thomas: Anita Hill
Brett Kavanaugh: Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick
Donald Trump: Various women

As you can see there is a standard liberal playbook that they run, regardless of facts.
Oh, and by the way, this needs challenging as well.

Thomas: Hill
Trump: various women
Kavanaugh: Ford et al

Maybe a starting precept for pattern recognition is not to omit data.*

Because the pattern that emerges from this seems a lot more like: 1) when (and only when) there are credible accusations of sexual harassment or assault, Democrats take the accusers seriously and 2) an awfully large % of R Presidents and Justices have credible accusations of sexual harassment or assault (with the veracity of such, in one case, having been established within the American justice system.)

If you're going to call people's critical reasoning skills into question, then it is imperative that you not leave yourself open to accusations of fudging your data.

*One could plausibly add McCain and Romney to the list, and the results would tell against your "pattern" even more dramatically.
And then there are we, the hardscrabble, the rural, the redneck, the working man, those who have no fancy illusions of being better than some whole vast sea of Lessers because we know we are ordinary. And we are content to be so. We are satisfied. But we live in a dry land. Fear the ill wind o ye masters. Fear the spark.
You left out the racist, anti Semitic, anti democratic, pro Putin, anti law, Christian Nationalists, forced birth, white male superiority aspects of the MAGA world. Such folks are not ordinary.
I was just reading an article and came across this bit:

Just 22 million light years away. That's an inconceivable distance but when you've allowed yourself to go so far down the rabbit hole that you have lost all contact with the real world then your brain can patch up the vast distances between rational thought and madness such that you can build matchstick universes that appear real and concrete to you even though they are nothing but smoke and mirrors. This is a pretty accurate picture of the workings of the liberal mind. Visions in empty space.
Are you a Young earth creationist? 22 million light years is a standard measure that is well understood and has meaning to many people. Big numbers can be scary for some. Answers in Genesis though does not allow numbers with more than 4 digits. I get that. Bigger numbers refute their desired creation story. How far away do you think Messier 101 is?
Which is, in and of itself, a demonstration of how flawed the EC system currently is... that a candidate who has NO chance of getting the most votes, or anything even close to it... has a very real possibility of winning the election.
It means the concentration of interests has hit the point where it moderates the resultant concentration of powers in a manner that forces broader selections. For the moment. What a garbage situation.
So, it is with One Way Back. Christine Blasey Ford is an expert at not answering basic questions about the singular thing that made her famous while going on mindlessly about other things: surfing, her family, and what it’s like to stay in Oprah’s house.

Of course, how could Ford respond to basic questions regarding her attempted upheaval of the American political system? Doing so would require her to unmask herself and the plot in which she was involved.

Ford is, of course, the woman behind the allegations that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her at a high school party in 1982.

I remember seeing a video on youtube - think it might have been done by CGPGrey about 10+ years ago so the percentages might have changed a bit - that showed that someone could win the EC vote while getting only 22% of the popular vote in a 2 candidate race

Admittedly it is farfetched as it would require the candidate to win exactly 50.01% of the votes in the states that they win and 0% of the votes in the states that they lose.

Still the fact that it is even theoretically possible for a candidate in a 2 candidate race to lose despite getting 77-78% of the vote should indicate that electoral reform is badly needed.
So, it is with One Way Back. Christine Blasey Ford is an expert at not answering basic questions about the singular thing that made her famous while going on mindlessly about other things: surfing, her family, and what it’s like to stay in Oprah’s house.

Of course, how could Ford respond to basic questions regarding her attempted upheaval of the American political system? Doing so would require her to unmask herself and the plot in which she was involved.

Ford is, of course, the woman behind the allegations that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her at a high school party in 1982.

This Mark Judge review of Ford's book is just another conservative wet dream about being a victim of uppity women who hold them responsible for bad behavior. Drunk teenage boys would never even think about sexually assaulting women. "No siree, that must be their fantasy."
I agree that Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Trump fall outside what we expect of Republicans. The safer and more realistic playbook was followed in regards to Haggard, Craig, and Foley.
In a very real sense, we argue from separate realities. Worlds within worlds. All having different true truths. Many... most ... of you live in the world of the conquerors, the elites, even if you are only pretending to belong because you can, having the approved certificates of education or identity status. So, you adhere to the party line, which is sometimes painful to behold because in reality some of you are just the help.

And then there are we, the hardscrabble, the rural, the redneck, the working man, those who have no fancy illusions of being better than some whole vast sea of Lessers because we know we are ordinary. And we are content to be so. We are satisfied. But we live in a dry land. Fear the ill wind o ye masters. Fear the spark.
And yet you vote for the party of billionaires, by billionaires, and for billionaires.
That opinion, in honest men, after DAs are elected.
In a very real sense, we argue from separate realities. Worlds within worlds. All having different true truths. Many... most ... of you live in the world of the conquerors, the elites, even if you are only pretending to belong because you can, having the approved certificates of education or identity status. So, you adhere to the party line, which is sometimes painful to behold because in reality some of you are just the help.

And then there are we, the hardscrabble, the rural, the redneck, the working man, those who have no fancy illusions of being better than some whole vast sea of Lessers because we know we are ordinary. And we are content to be so. We are satisfied. But we live in a dry land. Fear the ill wind o ye masters. Fear the spark.
sidelining in here to make two points. one thread specific, one general.

thread - the # of elites or whatever you make it that actually substantiate the democratic voter base can't make up that dems tend to win the popular vote. numbers ain't there. the victim complexity and complete detachment from what rep constitution actually looks like outside rural areas is... baffling.

general - you have been somewhat useful in this thread with presented voter support in different states, but this bat guana Storm hopefulness of yours is the straw that broke the camel's back for reading your posts. i'm not alone here, mind you. it's both distracting and tiring to see someone in such a bubble pointing at supposed ivory towers. what you write is incredibly disturbing, and the implication is paper thin.
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