Balthasar's White Ape of Mars


May 2, 2010
Western North Carolina
I need to credit Supa for his Great Kong. All I've done is added an additional set of arms and set the color saturation to 3.25. I call this Balthasar's white ape, because on another thread he mused that he could never get someone to make a real Barsoomian four-armed white ape. (The conversion on Tom's thread is too small and orangutaney --yes, that's a word!)

For simplicity's sake, I chose the bipedal Great Kong to adapt instead of the (preferred) gorilla-like Kong Supa had made. He walks like a sasquatch, instead of on all fours like a real gorilla, but it works.

I've given up adapting the Attack2 sequence, and there are no sounds, ini file, or Civilopedia icons. Perhaps another could help with these or upload them on this thread if they fashion some for their mod?
And for a sense of scale, here is the white ape posing for the camera with Elizabeth Taylor.

Please note that the color is not accurate. The coloration in the walking preview is what the unit looks like, colorwise.
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