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Random Rants LX: I wish to register a complaint

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Jan 16, 2006
Norway. You'll never leave

Link to video.

Back to superior Roman numerals!

Spoiler old threads :
Random Rants (The Original!)
Random Rants Two
Random Rants 3
Random Rants 4: Keep Complaining
Random @#%& rants 5: Life is a female dog.
Random Rants VI: See, this is why we can't have nice things!
Random Rants VII: Why do they ALWAYS do that?!
Random Rantii VIII: When will Latin DIE?
Random Rants IX: I'm Mad As Hell, And I'm Not Gonna Take It Anymore!
Random Rants X: Mraarrrrrrr!!!!!!
Random Rants XI: This Title Actually Has Some Imagination
Random Rants XII: It's Alright To Cry
Random Rants XIII: I don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
Random Rants XIV: You're gonna love my nuts
Random Rants XV: Like a Fine Whine
Random Rants XVI: Whambulance Dispatch Center
Random Rants XVII: Rage Against The Machine
Random Rants XVIII: It's cold as hell!
Random Rants XIX: Failure Tactics
Random Rants XX: I CAN'T FIND MY FAGS!!!
RANDOM RANTS 23: Christ, you know it ain't easy!
Random Rants #XXIV - The Angry Mob
RANDOM RANTS XXVI: Those Damned Kids!
Random Rants XXVII: The Rent Is Too Damn High!
RANDOM RANTS XXVIII: Everything is Flammable
Random Rants XXIX: Watch your %*$@ Language!
RANDOM RANTS XXX: age-restricted
RANDOM RANTS XXXI: I hate my job
RANDOM RANTS XXXII: I'm In a Glass Case of Emotion!
RANDOM RANTS XXXIII: World, Y U make me fed up wit U?!!
Random Rants XXXIV: Severe Cussing and VERY Illegal Pony Fights
Random Rants XXXVI: Can't Sleep, Clown Will Eat Me
Random Rants XXXVII: The Server Is Too Busy
Random Rants XXXVIII: First World Problems
Random Rants XXXIX: Coming up with a title is stressful
Random Rants XL: I'm having trouble growing my wood
Random Rants XLI: Life won't take the lemons back!
Random Rants XLII: The Four-Part Plan
Random Rants XLIII: So Much Whinging Your Head May Explode
Random Rants XLIV: I Can't Find The Answer
Random Rants XLV: Isn't This Just a Ray of Sunshine?
RANDOM RANTS XLVI: Slightly More Than a Month-ly Edition #1
Random Rants XLVII: I don't like food anymore!
Random Rants XLVIII: Worst. Thread Title. Ever!
Random Rants XLIX - IT CHAFES MY ARSE!!!
Random Rants Νʹ: Pissed tae th' gills
Random Rants LI- Hell hath no Fury, like a Woman Scorned
Random Rants LIII: F My Life
Random Rants LIV: I Took An Arrow In The Knee
Random Rants LV: The Joy of Ranting
Random Rants LVI: Raving Mad
Random Rants LVII: wow. many anger. very whining.
Random Rants LVIII: Wassamatta U... Ah Shaddap you face.
Random Rants ΝΘʹ: Someone is wrong on the Internet

First rant: I don't know how to link the previous thread in the same format as the other linked threads!:mad:

Second rant: sciatica + bareback riding = pain! :(
You mean that I missed this Rants thread by just two minutes?? Gah!
One of those days I'll sneak out a serial thread, and then I'll go full Slavic numerals on you.

One o' those days.

I don't buy that that's a thing


I just got back from the dentist, where I got a hole drilled. Day's just getting better and better.
So it turns out that this woman that I don't particularly fancy doesn't fancy me either.


This is just too much!
God, yesterday was so uncomfortable. I had a friend over,who's really religious, goes to a Islamic school to learn the Quran and Hadith. Somehow we got into a debate about whether according to Islam women shouldn't be political leaders. It was really awkward.

And how dare you get a word in the title wrong. Shame on you, shame on your english teachers. Shame upon your education system. Shame until the word becomes meaningless.
Much shame on me yes. But I average on around three typos a sentence so I consider only one a success. Anyway, title is now fixed, and order in the universe is restored once again.
J Man, having a woman won't fix what you're feeling. You'll just transition to a different state of mental anguish. Get right with yourself first.

Oh, I disagree ^^.
Next weeks will be hopefully better :).

So it turns out that this woman that I don't particularly fancy doesn't fancy me either.


This is just too much!

Should this then not be a rave?
Complaint department, huh? That's clever.
Shogun 2 reminded me again why I never finished a Game: Realm Divide.
The Shoni have 17 provinces and Takeda 16, but once I have 14 everybody just declares war on me because I am getting too powerful and it all becomes a slog.
I just delared myself winner after I became Shogun and quit. Screw that dogpile.
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